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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

Tap west burgers beers | more | 6.5

Let’s start with the positive aspect from Tap west —the beer menu. It was truly impressive, with a wide selection of beers from various local and international breweries. As a beer enthusiast, I was excited to see so many options available. However, the extensive menu presented a slight challenge in decision-making. With countless pages to browse through, it became a bit overwhelming to choose just one. Nonetheless, it’s a pleasant dilemma to have when you’re a beer lover.

Unfortunately, my enthusiasm was dampened by the behavior of the staff, particularly one of the waitresses. Throughout my visit, she seemed to be constantly complaining about customers, giving off an air of dissatisfaction. I understand that serving customers can be exhausting, especially after a long day, but openly expressing frustration in front of other patrons struck me as unprofessional. It also had a negative impact on the overall atmosphere, undermining the otherwise pleasant and cozy ambiance of the place.

Another disappointing aspect of my experience at Tap West burgers beers was the misleading information provided by the staff. We ordered a pizza with burrata, but to our surprise, it arrived with a small piece of buffalo mozzarella instead. When we brought this to the attention of the staff, they admitted that it was indeed buffalo mozzarella and acknowledged that they should have informed us beforehand. It felt like a deceptive tactic, trying to substitute one ingredient for another without consulting the customers. Had we not been familiar with the difference between burrata and buffalo mozzarella, this switch would have gone unnoticed.

To their credit, the staff did try to rectify the situation by offering us a complimentary cup of coffee or deducting the cost of the burrata from the bill. However, these gestures, while appreciated, couldn’t completely salvage the disappointment caused by the initial mishap and the unprofessional behavior displayed.

In conclusion, Tap West in Amsterdam offers an extensive beer menu, making it an appealing destination for beer enthusiasts. However, the overall experience was marred by the unprofessional behavior of one of the waitresses and the misleading substitution of ingredients in one of the dishes. While the efforts to rectify the situation were appreciated, it was unfortunate that such incidents occurred in the first place. If you do decide to visit Tap West, it’s advisable to clarify your expectations and be cautious about any substitutions or miscommunications regarding your order.

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Review: 9.2/10 

Price / Quality: 5 | Service: 4 | Atmosphere: 5 | Originality: 8 | Freshness: 7 | Choice: 10

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