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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

Rocca Di Cefalu | 9.5

If you’re looking for a more challenging outdoor activity with breathtaking views, climbing the Rocca di Cefalu should be on your list. This rock in Cefalu, a charming coastal town in Sicily, Italy, offers a bit of a workout but rewards you with stunning panoramic vistas of the town, the sea, and the surrounding mountains.

The climb starts from the town center, and you can easily find the trailhead by following the signs or asking locals. The first part of the ascent is relatively easy, thanks to a well-marked path with steps that take you through a wooded area. You’ll encounter a few other hikers and tourists along the way, but it’s not too crowded, and the peaceful surroundings make for a pleasant start.

After a while, you’ll reach a sort of intersection and viewpoint where you can choose to go left or right. The left path leads to the castle ruins, while the right one takes you to the archaeological site and a large cross that marks the summit. I recommend taking the left path first and making the climb to the castle, which is not much more than a wall these days. The ascent is challenging, and the terrain consists of loose stones, so make sure you wear sturdy shoes with good grip. However, the effort is worth it, as the view from the top is stunning. You can see the entire town of Cefalu, the harbor, the coastline, and the sea stretching to the horizon.

After admiring the view, you can walk back to the intersection and take the other path that leads to the archaeological site. This part of the trail is less steep but still requires some effort, as you’ll need to climb up and down some rocky steps. Along the way, you’ll see some ruins of ancient structures and get more glimpses of the sea and the mountains.

While climbing the Rocca di Cefalu is not an extreme adventure, it’s not a walk in the park either. You need to be in decent shape, wear appropriate footwear, and bring some water, especially if you’re doing it in the summer when the sun can be scorching. However, the views and the sense of accomplishment you get from reaching the top are priceless. So, if you’re up for a little challenge and a lot of beauty, go ahead and climb the Rocca di Cefalu. You won’t regret it. (Maybe a little, during the climb)

Click here for more activities and restaurants in Sicily.

Review: 9.5/10 

Experience: 10 | View: 10 | Safety: 8 | Prize: 10

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