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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

Maijard Smashburgers | 5.3

With the ongoing hype surrounding smashburgers, I felt compelled to try them out for myself. After hearing rave reviews about Restaurant Maijard Smashburgers, touted as one of the best burger joints in Amsterdam, my excitement was above the roof. However, my experience turned out to be less than stellar, leaving me to ponder whether it’s the concept I don’t like or if the restaurant is simply overhyped.

The Anticipation

Maijard Smashburgers offers a choice between a smashed chicken burger and a regular smashed burger. Given the reputation of the place, it seemed only fitting to try both options to get a good sense of what they have to offer. As I walked into the restaurant, I was filled with high expectations, eager to see if the food lived up to the glowing reviews.

The Setup

Let’s start with the positives, as there were a few. The brioche bun was exceptional—soft and slightly sweet, making it an ideal foundation for a burger. It had a delightful texture that held up well under the weight of the ingredients without becoming soggy. The sauce was also worth mentioning; it was flavorful and had a nice balance that complemented the other components of the burger. The quality of the ingredients was good, and it was clear that some thought had gone into selecting them. Unfortunately, these positives couldn’t quite salvage the overall experience, which was underwhelming.

The food

The smashed chicken burger was a major letdown. It felt like there was barely any chicken, just a lot of crust, almost like eating a fatty cracker on a bun. The spices used didn’t help either; they seemed off, almost like the chicken wasn’t good anymore, making the whole thing ofcourse even less enjoyable.

The regular smashburger fared slightly better in terms of taste, but the texture was disappointing. It felt like eating crispy, dried-out fat with hardly any meat. For someone who loves juicy burgers, this was a significant letdown.

Service and Ambiance

The service at Maijard Smashburgers was another area where the restaurant fell short. The staff appeared inattentive and disconnected from the customers. This was particularly evident when, after we left the restaurant and realized we had forgotten an item, we walked back in just a minute later. To our surprise, the staff members who had taken and delivered our order didn’t even recognize us and asked what we wanted to order again. This lack of attentiveness was quite off-putting, especially considering the restaurant was not busy at the time.

Furthermore, the practice of being asked for a tip before even trying the food struck me as odd and increasingly uncomfortable. Tipping should ideally be a reflection of the service and food quality experienced, not something that is expected upfront. This preemptive tipping request seemed like an unfair expectation and detracted from the overall dining experience.


In conclusion, if you’re a fan of juicy, flavorful burgers, Maijard Smashburgers might not be the place for you. While the brioche bun and sauce were commendable, the actual smashburgers left much to be desired. Coupled with lackluster service, my visit to Maijard Smashburgers was disappointing. The hype didn’t live up to reality for me, and I believe there are better places to enjoy this burger concept in Amsterdam.

The service at Maijard Smashburgers was another area where the restaurant fell short. The staff appeared inattentive and disconnected from the customers. This was particularly evident when, after we left the restaurant and realized we had forgotten an item, we walked back in just a minute later. To our surprise, the staff members who had taken and delivered our order didn’t even recognize us and asked what we wanted to order again. This lack of attentiveness was quite off-putting, especially considering the restaurant was not busy at the time.

Furthermore, the practice of being asked for a tip before even trying the food struck me as odd and increasingly uncomfortable. Tipping should ideally be a reflection of the service and food quality experienced, not something that is expected upfront. This preemptive tipping request seemed like an unfair expectation and detracted from the overall dining experience.

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Review: 5.3/10 

Price / Quality: 3 | Service: 5 | Atmosphere: 6 | Originality: 8 | Freshness: 7.5 | Choice: 2

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