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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

EFFE Haarlem | 6.6

Nestled in the heart of Haarlem, café EFFE Haarlem caught our attention on Google, and we couldn’t resist the urge to try out their offerings. With a menu boasting salads, sandwiches, wraps, and bowls, we were excited as we entered the establishment to savor what the cafe had to offer.

Opting for the grilled cheese with brie and prosciutto, we decided to add the wasabi-mayo sauce. The grilled cheese, while meeting expectations, failed to leave a lasting impression, which is what we are looking for when discovering new spots. The real letdown, however, came with the wasabi-mayo; despite its green color, the sauce lacked the wasabi kick, tasting more like regular mayonnaise.

The salmon wrap, on the other hand, redeemed the experience to some extent. Fresh and devoid of any fishy aftertaste, it presented a promising sign of culinary expertise. Unfortunately, the wasabi-mayo made a repeat appearance, and once again, failed to deliver the expected wasabi flavor. The ordering process at EFFE Haarlem resembled that of a fast-food chain, with customers placing their orders through a screen. However, the efficiency seemed lacking. A noticeable delay occurred as we observed another couple placing their order after us, yet receiving their 2 cappuccinos before we received one. This raised concerns about the cafe’s order fulfillment system, which appeared to prioritize the latest orders over those placed earlier. The ambiance took a hit when we settled at our table only to find it covered in crumbs and wet spots. Considering there were no other guests when we arrived, the lack of cleanliness was disconcerting. A cafe’s first impression extends beyond the menu, and unfortunately, EFFE Haarlem fell short in this aspect.

The staff at the counter were friendly, but our observation of them prioritizing the aesthetics of sandwiches over the overall customer experience left us somewhat perplexed. It seemed that attention to presentation took precedence over ensuring tables were clean and orders were fulfilled promptly.

In conclusion, our visit to EFFE Haarlem left some mixed feelings. While the menu offered a variety of options, the execution fell short of expectations. The lack of a genuine wasabi flavor in the sauce, delays in serving orders, and cleanliness concerns highlighted areas for improvement. Although the staff was friendly, a greater focus on the overall customer experience, including prompt service and cleanliness, could elevate EFFE Haarlem to match the standards of other cafes and restaurants in Haarlem. For now EFFE certainly has potential, but we suspect there are better options awaiting exploration in the charming city.

Click here for more food, drinks and activities in Haarlem.

Review: 6.6/10 

Price / Quality: 6| Service: 6| Atmosphere: 7 | Originality: 6 | Freshness: 8 | Choice: 7

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