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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

Dignita Hoftuin | 8.5

Welcome to the world of Brunch restaurant Dignita Hoftuin, an all-day brunch restaurant in Amsterdam. Nestled within a beautifull garden, this restauarnt offers a serene and sun-drenched setting for you to enjoy a nice brunch experience. Today, I will tell you more about the restauarnt and their garden.

The menu at Dignita Hoftuin showcased a delightful array of brunch delicacies that appealed to both the eyes and the taste buds. The presentation of each dish was a work of art, inviting us on a culinary journey. From the moment the plates arrived at our table, we knew we were in for a treat.

We began our gastronomic adventure by ordering two of their signature brunch dishes, accompanied by two sides. The anticipation heightened as we observed other guests receiving their meals. However, there was a slight hiccup in our experience that deserves mention.

While waiting for the arrival of our second side dish, which was more of a topping, we noticed a delay. After patiently waiting for ten minutes, we decided to inquire about it, only to discover that it had been unintentionally forgotten. This minor misstep slightly affected the overall experience, as the main dishes had cooled down during the wait and they didn’t even appologize.

Despite this slip-up, we must commend Dignita Hoftuin for their impressive selection of drinks. Their menu boasted a variety of options, ranging from refreshing mocktails and cocktails to coffees and teas. Each sip was a delightful journey in itself, perfectly complementing the flavors of the brunch dishes.

In terms of the food itself, Dignita Hoftuin truly excelled. The dishes were an amazing blend of flavors, textures, and colors. From the poached eggs with potato cookies to the salmon toast each bite was a delicious. We were presented with a choice between potato cookies and a sandwich as our side. Despite selecting the sandwich, we received the potato cookies instead. While this mix-up was a minor disappointment, it did not overshadow the overall enjoyment of our brunch experience. The quality of ingredients shone through, making every dish what you hoped it would taste like.

In conclusion, Dignita Hoftuin offers a truly enchanting brunch experience set amidst a beautiful garden. The culinary artistry on display, combined with the serene ambiance, creates a haven for brunch enthusiasts. While there were a few hiccups along the way, the delectable food and warm atmosphere ultimately made our visit to Dignita Hoftuin a memorable one.

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Review: 8.5/10 

Price / Quality: 8 | Service: 6 | Atmosphere: 10 | Originality: 9 | Freshness: 9 | Choice: 9

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