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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem | 8.4

IIn the bustling heart of the city, where the aroma of freshly baked goods fills the air, lies Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem. With a menu that ranges from cookies and croissants to cheesy delights and more, Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem offers a tempting variety of treats for every palate. But while the food certainly has its highlights, our experience at the bakery revealed a few areas where improvements could be made, particularly in terms of service.

The Good: Delicious Baked Goods

Upon entering Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem, it’s hard not to be drawn in by the array of baked goods on display. The bakery boasts a wide selection of items, from buttery croissants filled with everything from chocolate to ham and cheese, to a variety of cookies that beckon to be sampled. For those with a penchant for savory flavors, the cheesy pastries and bread-based items offer a satisfying alternative to the sweeter options.

We decided to start with something sweet and selected two cookies that caught our eye: the White Chocolate Macadamia Cookie and the Triple Chocolate Cookie. Both looked delicious, promising a satisfying experience for anyone with a sweet tooth.

The Sweet Treats: Hits and Misses

The White Chocolate Macadamia Cookie was the first to be tasted. As we took our first bites, it was clear that this was a well-made cookie. The texture was just right—crisp on the edges and chewy in the center, with a generous amount of macadamia nuts adding a delightful crunch. However, the name “White Chocolate Macadamia” set certain expectations that the cookie didn’t entirely meet. While the macadamia nuts were plentiful, the white chocolate was surprisingly sparse. Out of the entire cookie, there were only two bites that contained any white chocolate, which left us feeling a bit underwhelmed. We had anticipated a more balanced combination of flavors, and this disparity made the cookie feel slightly incomplete.

Next up was the Triple Chocolate Cookie, and it did not disappoint. Though smaller in size compared to the White Chocolate Macadamia Cookie, this treat was packed with chocolatey goodness. The richness of the chocolate was evident in every bite, with a deep, satisfying flavor that would please any chocolate lover. The balance of textures and the intensity of the chocolate made this cookie a clear winner, standing out as the highlight of our visit.

The Not-So-Good: Inconsistent Service

While the baked goods at Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem are largely impressive, the service we encountered was less so. The staff was undoubtedly friendly and welcoming, which is always a plus, but their lack of familiarity with the products they were selling was concerning. For example, when we inquired about the variety of cookies displayed in the store, the staff had to check to see if those were items that they sell in their store. Product knowledge is key in any bakery or restaurant, and the staff’s lack of confidence detracted from the overall experience.

Final Thoughts: Worth a Visit, but with Some Room for Improvement

Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem is a bakery worth visiting, especially if you’re in the mood for a sweet treat or a savory snack. The cookies we sampled were enjoyable, with the Triple Chocolate Cookie standing out as a particularly delightful option. We’re also eager to return and explore more of their savory offerings, which looked equally tempting.

However, for Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem to truly shine, there’s a need for better staff training and product knowledge. This would not only enhance the customer experience but also help the bakery build a stronger reputation as a go-to spot for quality baked goods. With a bit more attention to these details, Stadsbakkerij Water & Bloem has the potential to become a beloved staple in the city’s vibrant culinary scene.

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Review: 8.4/10 

Price / Quality: 8 | Service: 7 | Originality: 8 | Freshness: 10 | Choice: 9

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