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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

BUITEN Strandcafe & Restaurant | 6.6

BUITEN strandcafe & Restaurant in Amsterdam, located on the serene Sloterplas, with its lively decor and inviting garden terrace. During my visit, I experienced a mix of highs and lows that made for an interesting dining experience.

First Impressions

Walking towards BUITEN, my eye was immediately caught by the lively and colorful exterior. However, the first encounter with the staff was a bit mixed. One of the waitresses greeted us with a super friendly and enthusiastic attitude.

When we asked for a table, we were laughed at by another employee. He did not say hello, did not answer the question, but was just laughing out loud while looking at us. Once we were seated, he complained loudly to himself about his co-workers next to our table, which was rather unproffesional.

Later we were asked what we wanted to order before we had even had a chance to look at the menu considering the menus were not on the tables and we were not given them either.

The Food

Despite the somewhat rocky start, I was looking forward to the food. We decided to try the smash burger and the eggs avocado, hoping that the culinary offerings would make up for the service shortcomings.

The burger arrived promptly, which was a relief. However, the delivery was followed by an odd question from the same staff member who had previously been less than helpful. He inquired if we wanted fries with the burger, which left us wondering if fries were supposed to come with the burger by default and whether they had simply been forgotten. This lack of clarity added to the overall confusion of the experience. When we finally dug into the burger, it was decent but didn’t stand out as particularly remarkable. It was a straightforward smash burger that met basic expectations but failed to impress or offer anything distinctive.

The eggs avocado, a dish I was particularly excited about, turned out to be a bit of a mixed experience. The avocado was creamy and fresh, and the bread it was served on tasted wonderfully fresh as well. However, the poached eggs were overcooked, which was a significant letdown. The eggs, which should have been delicately runny, ended up resembling hard-boiled eggs. This overcooking diminished the dish’s appeal and was a missed opportunity to showcase the freshness and quality of the ingredients.

Overall Impression

BUITEN Strandcafe & Restaurant has a lot going for it. The location near Sloterplas is charming, and the vibrant, colorful decor creates an inviting atmosphere. The friendly enthusiasm of some staff members is a definite plus, but the inconsistent service and the food experience left something to be desired.

While it’s a fun spot to check out, especially if you’re nearby and want to enjoy the beach atmosphere, there are likely better dining options in the neighborhood. With a few adjustments, such as improved service consistency and greater attention to detail in food preparation, BUITEN could elevate its dining experience significantly. For now, it stands as an interesting spot with potential, but it has room for improvement before it can truly be considered a standout destination.

Read more about food and activity in Amsterdam by clicking here!

Review: 6.6/10 

Price / Quality: 6 | Service: 6 | Atmosphere: 7 | Originality: 6 | Freshness: 8 | Choice: 7

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