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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

Exploring Pocha Korean Streetfood | 6.8

Exploring Pocha Korean Streetfood in Dublin:

Dublin’s culinary landscape is a mix of global flavors, including the bites at Pocha Korean Streetfood. Tucked away in the city, this small restaurant offers a mix of Korean and Asian street food for those looking for a quick bite. Our recent visit gave us a taste of what Pocha has to offer, but there were also some areas for improvement.

Ambiance and Setup

Pocha Korean Streetfood is a small business with a modest seating area upstairs. The setting is casual and uncomplicated, perfect for a quick meal or casual get-together. Despite its small size, the restaurant exudes a cozy, welcoming atmosphere, although the seating can feel a bit cramped during busy hours.

The Food: Hits and Misses

Our meal at Pocha comprised a mix of sushi and street food staples. Here’s a breakdown of what we tried:

We started with the salmon avocado sushi, which was notably fresh. The sushi featured creamy avocado and salmon, but the portion was skewed heavily towards avocado. While the ingredients were of good quality, the minimal amount of salmon was a letdown, especially given its role as the highlight of the dish. This cost-saving measure was evident and somewhat diminished the overall experience.

Next, we sampled the bao with beef. The bao itself had potential, but the beef filling was slightly dried out, affecting the overall taste. The flavors were decent, but the dryness of the beef made the dish less enjoyable than anticipated.

We had our sights set on trying the tuna rice ball, but unfortunately, it was unavailable. This was a disappointment, as it had been one of the dishes we were most looking forward to.

Service: Room for Improvement

One of the more peculiar aspects of our visit was the service. While the food was delivered to our table, it came without napkins or cutlery. We had to make our way downstairs to fetch these essentials ourselves, which was an inconvenience. Given that the staff already brought the food to our table, this extra step felt unnecessary and detracted from the dining experience.

Final Thoughts

Pocha Korean Streetfood is a decent spot for a quick snack in Dublin, especially if you’re in the mood for Korean or Asian street food. The salmon avocado sushi, despite its imbalance in ingredients, and the bao with beef, despite its dryness, both hinted at the potential for better culinary experiences. However, both the food and service leave room for improvement.

With a few tweaks in their preparation and service, Pocha Korean Streetfood could elevate its offerings and become a standout spot in Dublin’s food scene. Until then, it remains a place with promise, but one that needs to fine-tune its execution.


Our visit to Pocha Korean Streetfood was a mixed experience. The restaurant has potential, with fresh ingredients and a cozy ambiance, but it falls short in execution and service. If you’re in the area and looking for a quick snack, it’s worth a try, but don’t set your expectations too high. With some improvements, Pocha could truly shine as a go-to spot for Korean and Japanese street food in Dublin.

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Review: 6.8/10 

Price / Quality: 6 | Service: 6 | Atmosphere: 7 | Originality: 7 | Freshness: 8 | Choice: 7

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