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By RowBy Row Foodie & Traveler

C-taste | 8.4

Dining in the Dark in Amsterdam

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to dine in complete darkness? At restaurant C-taste in Amsterdam, you can experience just that. C-taste is a unique restaurant where guests dine in complete darkness, served by visually impaired waiters. The restaurant offers guests a new way to experience food by relying on their senses of taste, smell, and touch.

Upon entering the restaurant, you’ll be greeted by a friendly host who will guide you to your table. You’ll then meet your waiter, who will be your guide for the evening. The waiters at C-taste are visually impaired, so they are experts at navigating the dark environment. They will guide you to your seat, explain how to order, and show you how to call for assistance if you need anything during the meal. Their confidence and professionalism immediately put you at ease, allowing you to focus on the unique experience ahead.

Eating in complete darkness can be a exciting experience, but C-taste ensures that guests are safe throughout the meal. The waiters are always on hand to help you navigate the dark, whether you need to go to the bathroom or would like to order another drink. This level of care is part of what makes dining at C-taste so memorable—it’s not just about the food, but about the entire sensory journey.

One of the most remarkable aspects of dining in the dark is how it affects your sense of taste. Without the visual stimulation, your other senses become heightened. You’ll notice the aroma of the food more intensely, and the texture and flavor of each dish will be more pronounced. It can be challenging to identify the food you’re eating, which makes the experience all the more exciting.

At the end of the meal, you’ll be given a menu detailing the dishes you’ve eaten. You’ll also be given a form to fill out where you can guess what you think you’ve eaten. It’s a fun way to compare what you thought you ate to what you actually ate. You can choose between vegetarian, vegan fish or meat, if you don’t make a choice during your reservation, you get the regular menu.

One of the most challenging aspects of dining in the dark is cutting your food. It takes some practice to cut your food without being able to see it, but the waiters are always happy to assist if needed. This adds another layer to the experience, reminding you just how much we take sight for granted in everyday tasks.

C-taste offers a dining experience that is truly unique and unforgettable. While the food may not be Michelin-star quality, it’s certainly tasty and well-prepared. The real highlight, however, is the way the experience pushes you out of your comfort zone, forcing you to rely on senses that often take a backseat. It’s a rare opportunity to see the world—quite literally—in a new light, or in this case, a lack of light.

If you’re looking for something truly different to do in Amsterdam, C-taste is a must-visit. It’s not just a meal; it’s an adventure in sensory perception and an experience that will linger in your memory long after you’ve returned to the world of light. Whether you’re a local or a tourist, C-taste offers an evening of dining that is as thought-provoking as it is enjoyable, making it a standout among Amsterdam’s many culinary attractions.

Click here for more food and other activities in Amsterdam.


Price / Quality: 7.5 | Service: 10 | Atmosphere: 7 | Originality: 10 | Freshness: 8 | Choice: 8

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